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Launching SIT’s Alumni Newsletter has been a fascinating experience.

The pioneer editorial team reflected for quite a while on the spirit that should weave the first stories together. We were keenly aware that the writers and readers of this first issue were laying a critical foundation stone for that highly intangible but highly invaluable construct, called the SIT Spirit.

Collecting the stories and articles proved humbling and rewarding. It was heartening to meet students like Desmond, Nurhidayah, and Maxim. We knew well that all SIT students faced an intense academic load. Their examples showed that this was no reason to stop giving time to service and to doing what they loved.

If there was one wish I had for all SIT Alumni, it would be that the time spent with SIT brought you one step further along your pursuit of happiness. The editorial team has strived to produce a newsletter supporting this wish. We have sought to share stories which were uplifting, real, and meaningful in the Feature section. In the Achievements section, the aim was to fill it with tales that broaden the definition of success beyond the conventional. And, in the Events section, the desire was to keep everyone connected with past, current, and future happenings that form the memories which would define SIT.

The work in crafting this newsletter is only just beginning. We are aware that a critical look at this first issue may glaringly reveal the imperfections of the pioneer editorial team. Nonetheless, with the same spirit of courage and openness that inspired us to start this in the first place, we do invite your honest and harshest feedback. Even better if you think you have talents that can make this newsletter better and wish to join us. We need photographers, writers, graphic designers and layout artists. And, of course, we need a logo!

So, yes, lastly, for all Gen 1 SIT Alumni, congratulations! I hope you enjoy this simple first issue. Stay in touch!

Editor's note | 2012 Q4

Editor's note

​​Aloysius Goh

If there was one wish I had for all SIT Alumni, it would be that the time spent with SIT brought you one step further along your pursuit of happiness.


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